Tuesday, 2 June 2015

ROWING...Rowing On...message from the BRC

Hi All, 

The HOR was $150 which included training and the opportunity to compete at the three HOR regattas.
The row-on cost is $150 which includes training and the opportunity to compete at our three main school regattas Central Qld, South Qld and State Title.
The students who row on are also eligible to compete at club regattas including Bundaberg, Sunshine Coast, Pine Rivers etc. 
A list of regattas is available at:
The bonus for students who paid the whole year in advance ie $300 was that they had the opportunity to compete at the State Club Regatta last January.
Membership expires on 31st December 2015.

It is important that row-on membership fees are paid by this Friday 5th June or Tuesday 9th June at the very latest.  If schools decide to collect this money it is important that the Rowing Registrar rowingregistrar@gmail.com is notified via email of any payments asap.  If schools decide that they want the Bundaberg Rowing Club to collect the money, parents can pay the $150 into:
Bundaberg Rowing Club Inc
BSB 645646
A/C 106929379
Ref of Surname
It is essential that the receipt is then emailed to the Rowing Registrar  rowingregistrar@gmail.com so the membership can be upgraded. Do NOT rely on the Treasurer checking the bank statement as transfers can take up to two working days to appear in the account.

Central Qld Regatta nominations close on 10th June so memberships on ROMS needs to be upgraded urgently to accept any row-on nominations for that regatta.  Any delay may mean a late fee of $28.50 per seat and is only accepted by Rowing Queensland if a lane is available in that event.
For those who have already paid their membership fee for the entire year, nominations for Central Qld are open now.  The details are available:
As per normal, coaches/rowers need to place their nomination (seat fees in an envelope with the details of the events entered) in the red box at the Bundaberg Rowing Club shed.
Seat Fees are $14.50.  Coxes do not pay for events they are coxing.

Hope this answers most questions.
Kind regards 
Regatta Secretary
Bundaberg Rowing Club

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