4 Tips To Recover From Your Big Game
We have all experienced the pain that follows after a big sporting event. Sore legs, tight muscles, low energy, the list goes on.
Although delay onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and fatigue will always be there, we can do some simple tasks to reduce the effects.
1. Get enough sleep before and after the event. When your body is asleep, it is in recovery mode. Positive hormones are being shuttled around your body and if you are deprived of sleep, these hormones can't work as well as they should. Aim for anywhere upwards of 8 hours per night.
2. Fuel your body. During your event is not the time to be hungry or worrying about fat loss. Our goal is simple. Maximum performance. To perform at our best, consume a protein and carbohydrate drink during your match. This provides fuel to allow the body to focus on performing rather than breaking energy stores and rebuilding itself.
3. Warm ups can be boring but they are important. If your warm up consists of a short jog followed by some basic stretches, then it's going to be boring and ineffective. Your warm up should be based around what you are doing. If you are swimming, then loosening up your shoulders and back should be a priority. Performing mobility drills will prime your muscles, joints, and central nervous system for what's to come instead of simply warming the bodies temperature.
4. Cool down. This is great time to perform your static stretches and relax the heart rate. Although this isn't too exciting and you are tired, this will directly affect your next performance. Often times, the people who skip stretching are the ones who get injured or don't place well. Ensure you keep a healthy range of motion by stretching out your shoulders, hips, and back. A healthy range of motion provides a better working area for the joints and muscles.
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