Saturday, 28 May 2016

Rowing - from Mr Parsons

Dear Rowing Families
A Lamington Drive has been organised to raise funds for St Luke's Rowing in Term 3. Orders will be finalised in the second last week of the term, with Lamingtons being available for collection in the first couple of days of Term 4. This will be perfect timing for school lunches in what is one of the busiest terms of the year. The information will be distributed via the fortnightly newsletter so that it is available for all St Luke's families in the hope that all families may collect a number of orders from friends and work colleagues. They will then be able to place their orders online and pay for them in a process similar to how the Cocktail Evening tickets were sold. This will make it easy for everyone involved and minimise the paper trail.
The Lamingtons will be sold at $8.50/pack of 6 (they retail at $9.00 at the Bundy Bakehouse). We would ask all rowing families to support this raffle and promote it at any opportunity. There will be an order form available to download from the school newsletter (similar to the attached) so that families can keep track of their orders for distribution.
On another note, we thought it would be a great idea to have a 'Thank You' Sausage Sizzle for all our coaches after Head of River. Our coaches are all volunteers, and without them, our rowing program wouldn't exist. It is also a wonderful opportunity to get together as some families may not 'row on'.  Hopefully we will also be celebrating the victory of winning our 4th HOR in a row! We have been granted permission by the school to hold this Sausage Sizzle on Friday, June 10 from 3.30 – 4.30pm in the MPC after the Athletics Carnival. An invitation will be sent to all coaches. Please put this date in your calendar, and if at all possible, join us for a friendly gathering in appreciation of our wonderful coaches.
For catering purposes, we would appreciate you letting me know by Wednesday, June 8 how many family members will be able to attend.
Dates of upcoming school regattas are(!regatta-calendar-2016/w62f3):
Additionally these are the dates of Regatta's post HOR. It would be great to see some of our rowers row on and gain more competition experience. The bonus is that the Central Schools Regatta is here in Bundaberg. I'm not exactly sure of the nomination process for this yet but if you let me know if your child is keen to row on I will get the necessary information together.
It is important for rowers to discuss with coaches if the coach intends to coach them on to more regatta's this year.  If not we will need to make alternate arrangements.
Once again thanks very much to all the parents that have been involved with rowing for a number of years who pass important information onto me.
1.       Central Queensland Schools Regatta
Bucca Rowing Centre
June 25 – 26
Seat Fee: $14.50
Entries Close June 15 at 11pm
2.       South Queensland Schools Regatta
Lake Kawana
July 16 – 17
Seat Fee $15
3.       North Queensland Schools Regatta
Riverway – Townsville  
August 6 -7
Entries Close 27/7/2016
4.       Queensland State Schools Championship Regatta
17th, 18th and 19th September
Michael Parsons

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